elastic couplings

Elastic couplings PT type, manufactured by PUMA TECNICA S.A., is used in all kind of applications such as, gear boxes, pumps, compressors and ventilators, managing with axial, radial and angular movements, giving the minor relation weight/power.

PT Elastic Couplings


  • This design, easy to assembly and maintenance, is manufactured in ten sizes for maximun torque rating of 1030 kgm.

  • Torque transference is produce by an elastic replazable elastomer manufactured in VULKOLLAN, giving extra-high elasticity and a very good heat and oil resistance.

  • PT couplings are manufactured in SAE 1050 steel.


Choosing the size of the coupling, is always related to torque, which is obtained from the following formula:

MT = maximum torque (kgm)
N = Motor power (HP)
n = Maximum speed (rpm)
F = Service factor


Versions and dimensions

Versión “E”: conventional flail for small shafts.
Versión “M”: full flail for big shafts.

Código de Designación
PT-70 EE: Con maza convencional ambos lados
PT-70 MM: Con maza llena ambos lados